Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weir of the Week: Thomas Lee Weir

Our father, Thomas Lee Weir, according to our Mother: I think the first thing I should tell you is that your father, Thomas Lee Weir, came into the world without causing his mother, Jessie Durham Weir, any of the usual pain that comes with labor and delivery. When I was living with Grandpa Weir, while your Dad was in Korea, he told me how special Thomas was to his mother because of that. She had received a blessing prior to giving birth to him that told her she would feel no pain. Actually Jessie said that it was so strange, or abnormal that she didn't want a blessing like that in the future. I think his pain free birth was the beginning of the joy he brought into the lives of his family and friends.
He was born February 4, 1951 in San Pedro, California. He tells of living in the "projects" because they couldn't afford a place to live. They always struggled financially, and as most of you have heard, one Christmas the little Weir boys had their ride on toys stolen, only to receive the same toys back with yellow paint on them for their Christmas that year. Dad had a happy childhood, with brothers to play with, and parents who loved him. They did eventually move into a home and neighborhood in Harbor City, California. I know he had some traumatic experiences that I've heard him talk about. He was tied to a cross and left hanging, shot full of drugs because he was wearing his boy scout uniform, and teased into racing in his underwear then found he was locked out of the house. He had some rough times as a young teenager because he looked older than he really was.
He had friends and neighbors who helped shape him, and some that's influence had to be overcome. His Dad was his Bishop for a good part of his life which meant his Mom was alone to raise the boys a lot of the time. He was good at sports, and enjoyed playing on his basketball team in high school. They couldn't afford fancy vacations, but he does remember going camping as a family. I don't know that his memories of that are very good because he hasn't been one for camping in our married life, of course it doesn't help to have a noncamping wife...
The most important thing I could tell you about Dad is that he has a strong testimony of the Gospel and of the Savior. The first time I knew I was in love was when I heard him bear his testimony. The challenges he has faced in life have never altered his belief in the church or his knowledge that his Heavenly Father knows and loves him. No matter how tired he is he goes to church. No matter how busy his job keeps him he accepts the callings he is given and does the best he can. No matter how many ways his money needs to go he has always paid a full tithing, and then some...For the past several years he has helped numerous young people go on missions including his own children. He's a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather. We can all be thankful to know and love him.

What Dad has to say about himself:
i am: a child of God
i know: very little
i want: my children to be gentle, kind and happy
i have: so many blessings
i wish: we could be together more often
i hate: sin
i miss: my family
i fear: my lack of control
i feel: with my fingers
i hear: with my heart more than my ears
i need: to pray always
i crave: being with my children's children
i search: often to know what to do
i wonder: the why and how of unconditional love
i regret: how I waste time
i love: my sweetheart
i care: most certainly
i always: struggle to do what is right
i am not: perfect
i believe: in the goodness of man
i dance: with two left feet
i sing: often in my mind
i don’t always: cuss while driving, but more often than not...
i fight: temptations
i lose: myself in the books I read
i win: when Mother is content and happy
i never: seem to do all the things I need to do to win
i listen: intently
i am scared: often by my inadequacy
i am happy about: the prospect of a forever family

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

JOY is Joey

Then and now pictures of Joey...

Joseph is five. FIVE! Chocolate cake. Candles (needed reminding for the fifth one). Power Ranger costume. Batman ninja sword. Its official, the celebration is complete. Joseph is five. I love the kid, five years worth.

Thursday, December 4, 2008