Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weir of the Week: Melinda Tere Weir

Melinda's friend interviewed her and here is what she found out about our beloved Melinda...
Hey, My name is Aubrey, a friend of Melinda's. Thanks for letting me be involved in this wonderful family tradition. :)

Full name: Melinda Tere Weir
Birthday: March 19th 1990
Fav Color: Blue
Studying: History
Leisure Time Activites: watch movies, blind dates, cut toenails (sometimes), and brush teeth
Fav Movies: Newsies, The Count of Monte Cristo, Life is Beautful, and Pride and Prejudice (to name a few)
Why do you love BYU? hot RM's
Fav Childhood Memory: "It's Barney"
Choc/Vanilla: Both :)
Fav Date: Kalai concert (thanks!)
Food: hot dogs at the Cannon Center
Fav Day of Week: Sunday (Sleep!)
Fav Holiday: Thanksgiving
Fav Musical: Les Miserables
Fav Books: Book of Mormon and Into the Land of the Unicorns
Fav Country: Netherlands
Weirdest Quirk: Afraid of/hates Butterflies and

Freakishly loves: Elephants

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet Melinda. In the few short weeks that we have been together, we have gotten to know a lot about eachother. She is a shining example to everybody, especially me. Her love for her family is radiated every time she tells me stories of Qatar and those she loves. I know you're all so proud of Melinda, as I am. She loves to babysit her neices and nephews and volunteer at RAH. Melinda makes me realize the importance of my own family, and shows me the love that someone can have for their family. I love you, Melinda. Thanks for everything!

The Cannon Center is my Home :)

Photographed by Dallin Gough (I think this is when she jerked awake :0)

So yesterday I had some friends come over and play and share my food:)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poop and a New Car!

Deya's first poop in the potty..(edited for your viewing pleasure)
She was so proud of herself and kept saying "I did it! I did it!" Her frog stuffed animal helped her a lot, she made him go potty next to her.

This is our new Highlander. It is my favorite color. We drove all the way to Cleveland, Ohio to pick it up. It was one of the only Highlanders with seven seats within our price range.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What Carpet do you Like?



This one has two colors so we got it to just give you an idea

The one that actually matches the rest of the house is Bleached Straw the bottom left

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hello, my name is Joe!

Our contest today is "What is Joey Thinking?". Answer that question and you could win a million dollars (and when I say dollars, I mean the honor of winning without monetary gain). Please submit your answers and I will judge the winner through the critera set up by the board of judges (me, me too, and me also). Thank you for playing and may the best man or woman win. Good luck!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I must be on Jamaican time.

I finally put up the pictures of Jamaica on photobucket. I'm sorry it took so long! Just click on the slideshow it should take you to my account.


Love Shannon

August 12th, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weir of the Week: Ane Kristine Snow

Ane Kristine Snow, the drop-dead gorgeous mother of three beautiful children (Gallagher, Atticus and Eleanor), and wife to Garth was born Dec 15, 1975 to the wonder and delight of her loving parents Thomas and Sheilah (oh wait a minute, this isn't an obituary, she's the Weir of the Week). Anyway as everyone knows, Ane is loved and admired where ever she goes. She radiates joy and optimism and lightens the loads of everyone she meets. Each of us who reads this will easily be able to reflect on a time when Ane has said or done something for us that made us grateful to know her. She is never a casual acquaintance. To call her a friend is to know true devotion, but to call her mother, or sister, or daughter, or aunt is to feel truly loved. Her laugh is contagious, her embrace addictive. She can instruct us without saying a word and she can inspire us from a thousand miles away. We all love her and we are happy to call her ours. But this week we'll call her "The Weir of the Week"

Ane's (nickname: Sister Snow) favorites:

Food: Pizza
Color: Purple
Child: Failed to respond
Day of week: Friday
Band: The Beatles
Movie: Pride and Prejudice (not officially a movie but when you're the Weir of the Week everything is an acceptable answer)
Moment from the 2008 Cubs season: The Jim Edmonds Grand Slam against the Brewers on July 31st.
Animal: Polar Bear
Movie about Polar Bears: Can't think of one
Polar Bear she know personally: Doesn't really know one
Moment in life that actually involved a polar bear: When she went to Ikea and saw a really cute stuffed one for only $14 and bought it (ah hah, now it's starting to make sense)
Fact about Polar Bears: they're white and fuzzy
Holiday: Christmas
Reason to support Senator Obama for President: Senator Obama has been able to develop innovative approaches to challenge the status quo and get results. Americans are tired of divisive ideological politics, which is why Senator Obama has reached out to Republicans to find areas of common ground. He has tried to break partisan logjams and take on seemingly intractable problems. During his tenure in Washington and in the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama has accumulated a record of bipartisan success.
Reason to support Senator McCain for President: Early on in his life as a midshipman at the Naval Academy, the most important lesson John McCain learned was that to sustain his self-respect for a lifetime it would be necessary for him to have the honor of serving something greater than his self-interest -- service to his country. John McCain has always put his country's interests before any party, special interest and even his own self-interest. He has always and will always do what is right for our country.
Book: Have I Ever Told You How Luck You Are? by Dr Seuss
Place to get a Hamburger: Culver's Famous Butter Burgers and Frozen Custard
Way to ensure the need of bypass surgery in the future: Same as previous
Flavors of Jelly Bellies: PiƱa Colada and Bubble Gum (not together, she just likes both of them)
Musical: Les Miserables
Pastime: Reading

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Flood

This morning we woke up to a flood in the basement, I thought I would share some pictures so you could see it. A pipe broke on the sprinkler system in the backyard. The person who owns the company that is cleaning up the mess is one of Bill's mission companions, so that was something exciting to come out of this horrible mess. Dallin also hit his mouth on his sisters head and his tooth came all the way through his skin, we took him to the doctor and instead of doing stitches we opted for steri strips, so hopefully it will heal ok, what a day. Love Kt

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Modified Shari D. Photography business card

At the wise suggestion of the Hunters, I have made some changes to my business card. Thank you Hunters. You are an inspiration!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My new business card...what do you think?

Check out the new look of my blog. I'm getting more business and need to make it LOOK like I mean business. Thus the business card...any suggestions would be appreciated. I think I might need to work more so I can afford a better camera lens so I can take better pictures more. I have two new photo shoots to do. I hope that I can do a good job.

Adrian John Blodgett

I interviewed our Weir of the week. His favorite color is brown. His favorite XBOX game is Halo. His favorite Wii game is Tennis. His favorite thing to do besides playing XBOX or Wii is play Playstation. His favorite thing about himself is XBOX! His favorite thing about his Dad is that he has 2 XBOXes and he plays XBOX with Adrian. His favorite subject in school is computers. His favorite movie is cartoon Batman and his favorite baby is Donald! Pretty much every answer to every question I asked had something to do with XBOX so I had to quit asking questions because Adrian was laughing his head off because he could think of so many ways to talk about XBOX. I know he was teasing me. He does enjoy many other things but after interviewing him I can't think of what they are.

Here's Adrian when we lived in Alabama at 5 months old. He was such a sweet baby.
Here he is with Aunt Melinda at about 7 months. Look at that big smile!!

Here he is at 1 year visiting Aunt Shari when they lived in Spring Creek.
This is the picture he hung up on his "All About Me" page which was hanging in Dugway Elementary School almost the entire year. It was so embarrassing but it was one of his favorite pictures. He even remembers what level we were playing on Halo. In conclusion, Adrian is a well rounded wonderful part of our family. He is fun to be with and he is so smart and always tries to be obedient. I love his happy nature and I'm thankful every time I get to watch him being himself.

Our Beautiful Sister

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weir of the Week William Gough

I don't have a picture of William on this computer so I figured this was good enough they all look like him anyways and if I don't do this now I wont get the chance. Williams favorite color is blue, his favorite desert is cheesecake, dinner is steak. He loves bike riding, scuba diving, sailing, and backpacking. His favorite animal is Melanie, favorite candy is almond joy, favorite car Audi R8 with v12 tdi. He would like to be a research and development engineer when he grows up. He loves hanging out with his wife Katie, she is the most beautiful, talented, SWEETEST, most wonderful girl on the planet, oh was this suppose to be about him? We are greatful he is part of our family he is such a hard worker and loves his family most of all and we love him. Kt