Monday, January 28, 2008

Star Attraction

Shari is the Star Attraction this week for her class. I thought this was a cute picture of her and since I wanted to try out blogging I thought I'd post this to see how it works. She is showing off her newly lost tooth.


Ane said...

SHe is so beautiful and so big. I can't believe how fast our children are growing up.

Unknown said...

She is so pretty. Donald just told me Shari has a daughter named Sarah and Sarah has a daughter named Shari. That makes it easy for me, less names.... Or is that harder?

Hunters said...

Shari is always the Star Attraction in my book. Today I got to see a video clip of Shari as Goldilocks in her school play in Dugway. She is just like her Aunt Melinda. A born STAR!