Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Donald!!!

And many more...


The Blodgetts said...

Shannon, how can you find a bum to spank in those jeans. It's almost non-existant! Maybe for one of his birthdays someone should give him a rear-end. Donald, I just want you to know that I'm so happy you were born. Love, Sarah

Ane said...

Happy Birthday little brother! I love you very much. I hope you have a wonderful day. I'm so glad that Shannon and Dad can be there to celebrate. Love, Ane

Ane said...
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Hunters said...

That's so great! My baby Donald is growing up. I watched that thing that Shari sent about swimming yesterday. I remember when I was staying in CT when they first got there. We had to stay in those apartments. Anyways, one morning a news show came on about little children drowning. Donald was going to take a shower so I was just sitting there in the living room. All of a sudden they showed these paramedics pulling this tiny little boy out a pool and I just started screaming crying I was so completely beside myself. When I say "screaming crying" I'm not exaggerating. I just couldn't believe that they showed real footage. Anyways, Donald came bolting out of the bathroom(he still had clothes on). He was so worried that something had happened to me. I was still bawling and I told him what I saw. He just calmly walked back into the bathroom and took his shower. I don't think that he even said a word. I just think back on all the years he's been surrounded by girls. I just don't think that anything that Shannon ever does will be a surprise or shock to Donald. Girls are his life. Scotty did the biggest poop this morning in honor of Donald's birthday. When I walked into his room this morning he said, "Mommy, It's AMAZING! Me poop everywhere!" I remember holding Donald in the bathtub when he was a newborn. He just started pooping everywhere. It was floating all over the tub and I couldn't move because I was holding him. I was yelling for mom to come help me. She came running in and grabbed him out of the tub and he just kept going and going and going all over the floor and her. It was so cool!! Happy Birthday Donald. I love you so much. JLH

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Donald!!
Congratulations on finding Shannon she is a spanker oops I mean a keeper. I Love the poop story Jessie.