Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weir "Blodgett" of the Week

The Weir of the Week is actually a Blodgett: Dan. I called Sarah to ask for some of his favorite things. Here are a few things I've learned about Dan. His favorite thing is Golf. He also likes basketball and all other sports. He also likes to play X-box. His favorite foods are Tacos and spaghetti. Sarah says he likes anything that is easy to make. His favorite color is red but he is a BYU fan. He always has to clarify that. He is sad that it happens to be the color of the Utes. He was born in Provo, Utah. He is the oldest of seven children. He has three brothers and three sisters. He served his mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His favorite flavor is peanut butter. His favorite place to be is wherever Sarah and the kids are. His family calls him "Danny" and one of his neices calls him"Uncle Dugway" because he lived there for 8 years. His birthday is on April 21, a great day for a birthday. We are thrilled that he has finally joined the family. He has always been an honorary member even before he married Sarah but now we are happy to call him brother.


The Blodgetts said...

Thank you, Ane. Dan is a great Weir. I just want to say another thing that I love. Rebecca, Shari, Adrian, and Charlie adore him. Whenever we sit down in church they all pile around Dan and I end up sitting a few feet away expecting someone to take up a little room around me and they never do. They all love to be close to him. To them he is the smartest, strongest, and most fun man in the world. At Activity Days this week we made Valentines and without any hesitation Rebecca made the sweetest Valentine for Dan. I don't know what made me think I might be a candidate:) The other morning Charlie climbed into bed with us and started cuddling with and kissing Dan and finally I had to say, Um, Excuse me! What about Mom! Shari no longer writes Shari Call on her school work. She writes Shari J. Blodgett. I think it's so sweet and so Shari to just decide she likes the name Blodgett and use it whenever she wants. It's so precious. Adrian is the happiest boy I know now that he has Dan. He used to be the most serious and sad child but now he laughs all the time and he has so much confidence. He can even laugh at himself. Dan really is a miracle in our lives. He makes us all so happy.

Hunters said...

I'm so thankful for Dan. All children deserve to be treated kindly by their dad. Love, JLH

Hunters said...

What's that supposed to mean!?
