Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter



The Blodgetts said...

Thank you so much for the pictures of your Easter Angels. I can't believe how long Eleanor's hair has gotten. She looks so grown up, and Atticus is so sweet with his bunny. I hope your snow melts soon so you can have a lovely spring. We are finally without snow everywhere and it's the first time I've gone to our ward here that there was no ice or snow. I made it through 3 hours of church and now I'm so tired. Maybe I need an easter nap. Love, Sarah

Shari D. Kurtz said...

LOVE the pictures! Tell me when the snow melts and I will be on your front door step before you can say boo! I love the sweet faces of your children. They are angelic and Leah can't wait to meet them. She will eat them if you let her! Last week she weighed in at 14 pounds! I haven't seen Joey around lately...I think she may have eaten him.
Love, Shari

Katie said...

Beautiful Pictures!!! That is a lot of snow!! Your kids are all so adorable. Love Kt

Hunters said...

I bet you'll never read your comments again because I'm so late. I love it when you send the link because it reminds me to look. BEAUTIFUL! GORGEOUS! Wish i were there! Happy Belated Easter. I love you. Love, JLH