Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blodgett Kids.

We are going to go to court June 9 at 9 a.m. to finalize the adoption! I can't believe it's really going to happen. We are so excited. Love, Sarah


Unknown said...

Sarah, I think Donald is MOST happy of all. The way he talks about you some times I think he wishes he'd have been able to marry you :) We have long talks often about why you went through what you did and came to the conclusion that even though it sucks, and it still sucks... You have those awesome kids who's spirits are unique. They chose to come down to earth to be with a mother who could protect them through the hardest of times. BUT it was temporary. Most of them wont even remember it. What a blessing that will be. You are so strong. And I look up to you so much! Like a big sister :) We love you.

Hunters said...

I love what Shannon wrote. I think that she said it all. That will be one of the happiest days of my life. Love, Jessie Lee

Ane said...

I really can't even express my joy in words. I miss you all so much I just have to cry. It's been too long.

Grandma said...

June ninth will be a day of rejoicing for the Weir family in Doha. We can't wait to spend time with the Blodgett family this Summer. Love, Mom