Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poop and a New Car!

Deya's first poop in the potty..(edited for your viewing pleasure)
She was so proud of herself and kept saying "I did it! I did it!" Her frog stuffed animal helped her a lot, she made him go potty next to her.

This is our new Highlander. It is my favorite color. We drove all the way to Cleveland, Ohio to pick it up. It was one of the only Highlanders with seven seats within our price range.


The Blodgetts said...

Wow, I love your car and I really love the poop in the potty! I don't want her to grow up anymore without me around. I miss her. Does Deya like her new car or is she still not too excited for driving anywhere. Is she all the way potty trained now? How is life in VA? I hope you're doing good. I really miss you. Love, Sarah

Ane said...

What a woman, what an accomplishment. That is super. Great car. I love the color.

Donald said...

Highlander!! I love that movie! I want to live foreeeeeeever!!!!!!!

Hunters said...

I watched Highlander every day after school when I was at Ricks College. It was my favorite show ever. I was so addicted. Anyways, that's beside the point. Nice car! Nice Poop! I MISS DEYA!! Waaaaaaaaaaa! Love, Aunt Jessie

Katie said...

Cute picture, I am proud of Deya that is a huge accomplishment!! Seven seats wow, there is a lot of room for Deya to have lots of friends now!!