Weir of the Week: Gallagher Neil Snow
It's a fitting week for Gallagher to be selected as Weir of the Week; on Tuesday, he will celebrate his 8th Birthday! Gallagher seems to have a knack for the dramatically and statistically improbable numeric phenomena. For example, one cool thing about Gallagher: He was born on 11/11/2000, which means that he will turn 11 on 11/11/11!
More Cool Things about Gallagher:
Gallagher is the fourth Generation of oldest Snow boys to bear the initials G.N.S. Gallagher is Irish/Gaelic for "eager helper" (and he is). The idea for his name came to his mother in a flash of inspiration driving west on 21st South at the intersection of 21st East in Salt Lake City, and is most likely is a reference to the surname of the brother-band-members of Oasis. Gallagher has two younger siblings (for the moment) who adore and emulate him, so he better keep being the good example that he is.
Gallagher's Favorite:
Food: plain white rice - it's not a joke.
Catch phrase: “Awesome!”
Animal: Dog, well, let’s rephrase that –
Stuffed Animal: Dog – he has about 10 of them.
Animal to observe at a safe distance at first and after a while, if circumstances allow, cautiously approach: Dog
Professional Sports Franchise: Chicago Cubs
Cubs Player: First baseman and number three hitter, # 25 Derek Lee
Past time: Playing complete-nine-inning games of 1 on 0 baseball with himself (as the Cubs) and himself (as the Cubs’ current opponent) in the living room, with green blankets representing the infield and outfield, red ones representing the infield dirt and pitchers mound, and the couch, piano, and carefully-repositioned dining room chairs as the outfield walls. In addition to playing all nine positions on both teams, Gallagher is also the official scorekeeper (and he keeps track of each and every pitch), the grounds crew, and both members of the TV announcing booth. The scores of these games usually are in the 20’s or 30’s, but since the field already takes up most of the main floor of our house, there’s no way to move the home run walls any further away.
Subject at School: Math and reading (like that’s ever gonna get him anywhere)
Color: Green
Musical Style: As he puts it “Rock and Roll.” We were driving the other day listening to Simon and Garfunkle (which would have at least lean in the Rock direction). He asked to change the boring stuff and put on some Rock and Roll. He was then introduced to his new
Favorite Song: Baba O’Riley by the Who
Gallagher is loving and kind to everyone. He shows maturity beyond his years in his understanding of human emotion and interpersonal communication. He exudes optimism and hope. He is both gregarious and introspective. He knows who he is. He is a tender combination of innocence and understanding. He is loved by everyone who knows him. And for now, he’s the Weir of the Week.
Happy Birthday Gallagher!!! I'm so excited that you're getting baptized. I'm so proud of you and love you so much!! Love, Aunt Jessie
Happy Birthday to Gallagher, I hope he has a blast, what an imagination to have a whole baseball game by yourself. I had a blast playing with him at the wedding this past summer, he is such a sweet boy. Love Aunt Katie
Happy Birthday Gallagher! I love him. He is the sweetest boy. I love how he loves baseball and he's so amazingly smart. What I don't know is how you can ever get mad at him. I wouldn't be a very good parent for Gallagher because I would let him get away with anything. He makes me melt. I want to hear all about his birthday so share the details. Love, Aunt Sarah
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