Monday, April 6, 2009

Leah's transfer of affection

Thank you, Rebecca, for giving me a break. Leah loves you and so do I!
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The Blodgetts said...

Rebecca is still talking about Leah. How much Leah loves her and how much she loves Leah. I wonder what it is about Rebecca that calms all of Leah's inner fears. I wish I could have gotten that amount of cuddle time with that tiny girl. I adore her. Um, really I do adore her.
Love, Sarah

Hunters said...

Oh melt me why don't you! I love my girls- I know that it must seem like I only like boys, but girls are so special. I love how Rebecca is such a good mom already. I did get my special alone moments to bond with LeeLee. She's a spunky little tiger! Love, Aunt Jessie

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Never a question. Its a given:) I know that. I love the attachment Rebecca and Leah have formed. Yes, they have formed an attachment. I've been watching too much BBC Masterpiece theater.

Katie said...

To much there never is such a thing as to much masterpiece theater!!! I love the picture what good times we've had even if it was only for a fortnight. Love Kt

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Ahhh. That's so cute. I know there is never too much of it. I could watch it forever and be completely satisfied in my felicity.

Mom said...

Beautiful girls