Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shari D. Photography logos

I am asking for your oppinions. Which, if any, do you like the best? Thank you for your help.


Shari D. Photography


Katie said...

My favorite is the first, I don't know why I just like it the best. Love Kt

Hunters said...

I like the first and third the best. I like the ones that are more simple with the "D". I like that the "D" rhymes with photogra"phy".

Hunters said...

Ok, I've narrowed it down and I like the first the best, for sure. I like the colors and the print and the layout the best. Thank you very much.

Ane said...

It was between the first and third for me and then I kept looking at the first and it looked like it said "SHARID" to me so I choose number three. I love the little purple flare in the letters as well as the style. I have to say I like how "shari" looks in number four but I don't know about the "D". Therefore, number three.

Thomas said...

Number 3

Melinda Tere said...

I like one and four! I like the SD on the first one but it does look like Shaird but it is super professional looking. I do like four but its because of the color scheme. Hmm One.

Hunters said...

Scott says that it was very clear cut for him. Definitely #5. He doesn't like the first one because it's redundant. You have your initials and your name. Of course, that's the one I like:) I'm glad that we agree on the most essential things in life! So, Shari, which one do YOU like?

The Blodgetts said...

I like 5.

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Ironically... #4

Unknown said...

I have the exact same comment to leave as Ane! That was freaky because my thought process was exactly the same.
And I can add that I don't like 5. It looks dated for some reason.

Amanda said...

I like 4. The colors are great. Maybe change the D a little so you can see all of Shari. To me 4 looks the most Shari like.

Melinda Tere said...

I like 4.

Unknown said...

Hector says that his favorite is #2 but he thinks that you should use all of them! He says, "She is a photographer. She should just use all of them because they are all her designs just like her photography, they are all different." So, there is one more opinion for you:)

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Thank you Hector! And there is a reason they call us twins Melinda. Its not just our good looks:)

Mom said...

I like 3 the best, and not just because Dad does. I liked it even before he told me he liked it best. Love, MOM