Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

This is what I did this morning to celebrate the New Year. I went through all of Isaac's clothes to see what he can fit into. I found this cute outfit that my other boys wore and he already doesn't fit in. So, I decided to put it on him anyway and take pictures. Then I put it away for the future. I also posted this picture of my future missionaries so that they don't feel left out. I don't really think that they care. It's mostly for your viewing pleasure. May your 2010 be the best year EVER!


Shari D. Kurtz said...

This year already looks promising with the first post of 2010! Thanks for starting us out right!!! I want to know what Scott is telling Isacc. Scandalous!(Isacc thinking "that's how I was made?") Good job with these pictures and good job with these boys!

The Blodgetts said...

Four pictures of your favorite boy and one picture of your four other boys. They're all so cute. Seth looks like he'll be a cheerful missionary:) I love them all.

Ane said...

Awesome pictures!!!

Katie said...

Very adorable I am so glad I was able to see all of there handsome faces today, and for the fabulous party!!!