Thursday, February 18, 2010

Emerson Turns One


The Blodgetts said...

I could sit here and watch that kid eat your not so great banana muffins all day!! He's so adorable. I've been waiting all week for an Emerson birthday post. I hope he had a happy day. I know Garth loves you even though sometimes you stink at making muffins.
Love, Sarah

WDG said...

I love video posts there is so much more you get to see!!! He looks so big! Love Aunt Kt

Hunters said...

That is true comedy. Thanks, I needed a good laugh. I want to eat one of your banana muffins- I promise I won't complain. I was waiting for Garth to say something obscene.

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Me too on waiting for Garth to say something obscene. I was holding my breath. Funny funny man:) I love that child there. Lil' Emerson is...{insert something awe inspiring here}. I love him forever.

Garth said...
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Garth said...
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