Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Girl


The Blodgetts said...

She is so unbelievably adorable! I love the dance moves and I love how she just repeats everything you say. We ask Donald if he wants to eat fruit snacks or crackers and he says "fruit snacks or crackers". It's so funny. Her hair is so beautiful and she's so big. I want to see her in person so much! Love, Sarah

Hunters said...

MORE! I was sad when it was over, so, I had to watch it again and again. I LOVE that outfit. She's so sweet I want to eat her like candy. What a smarty pants! I can't believe that she can say "octopus!"

Ane said...

What a beautiful, big girl. Wow, how does time pass by that fast. I love her.

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Octopus is my new favorite word. I am going to keep playing this over and over at the request of Leah. This is gold Katie, gold!