Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Jamesers!

My James got punched in the face by this man at the Blue and Gold banquet for cub scouts on Thursday. James was teasing him and took his hat when the man was kneeling down trying to talk to Scotty. The man didn't like it and was trying to teach James a lesson. I did a police report. Jolene did one also because she heard him admit to hitting James because he took his hat. Anyways, the moral of the story is "Children have to learn their lessons, right...?" I'm still trying to recover. I just go over and over it in my mind all night. My poor little James. If I'm traumatized by it I'm sure that he's still so upset. This morning Scotty was telling me all about it. "Bad boy hat punch him eye" Love, JLH


Shari D. Kurtz said...

What in the living daylights would posses a man to punch a little boy in the face!?? I am so shocked and outraged. Who is this man? Does he go to your ward? I can hardly believe it except for the picture actually showing it. It makes me cringe.

Ane said...

He is such a gorgeous boy eye punched or not. I'm so sorry that happened. It's a good thing you have self-control Jess. I would have jumped him and had a black eye too. I love my little James.

Unknown said...

Wow! I cant believe bad boy hat punch him eye!!! I'm so upset! From now on I'm going to violently attack every man I see wearing a hat. JUST incase it's this jerk. This is the form my anger is taking. Um... Jessie a better description of this man might be helpful in reducing the amount of restraining orders that I'll get.