Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Weir "Noonan" of the Week


Amanda was born on October 7 in Monterey California. Her favorite color is green. Her favorite animals are horses. Her favorite food right now is "east meets west spicy shrimps" from the gate house restaurant on Saba. Favorite restaurant is Applebees. Her favorite place is Saba for now. The places she would most like to visit are Utah, Doha, Arizona, Chicago and Nevada. Her favorite ice cream is Etna's Noix Coco Fraiche. Favorite band is Radiohead. Favorite season is Fall. Her favorite thing to do is watch Deya play and go for walks. If she could she would go for a walk in the rain everyday. Amanda loves to go shopping but at the same time hates it because she has a hard time making up her mind because she wants to make sure she is getting the best deal- a very handy trait for students. She is afraid of the ocean but she still likes to swim in it. We went for a hike down to the tide pools the other day and got to look at the sea urchins. Amanda was scaling the wall by the tide pools and a giant wave splashed up into the tide pool and almost carried her away and she was almost a goner (as she likes to put it, but for the record only her feet got wet). We are grateful to still have her in the family. No more tide pools for us!

Thanks, Ryan for the update on Amanda. We are so thankful she has you and Deya.

Amanda happens to be one of the most beautiful people I know, from the time she was a little tiny person. She is a gorgeous wife and mother. I miss you Amanda and I can't wait to see you this summer. Amanda is loving and helpful. We still consider her a part of our family because Gallagher still says that Amanda is his sister. Atticus just piped up, "She's my sister too!" Eleanor's baby doll is named, Deya. Amanda, We love you so much.


Hunters said...

Amanda Charlene Weir Noonan!! I love you and miss you terribly. You are so adorable. I love the part about the waves crashing in around you. I'm so glad that you weren't really a "goner". I'm going to start using that phrase from now on just to think of you. I love you and can't wait to see you. Love, JLH

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Amanda I love you! I'm really glad that your feet got wet. I'm really glad that you are in my life, just make sure it stays that way. I look forward to seeing you in a few months. We miss you and wish we could visit you on your little island and taste the tasty shrimp. Love, Shari