Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Conversation With Donald David

I thought you all needed some updated pictures of my almost 2 month old baby. He's still cute. Him and I were having an intense conversation this afternoon so I recorded it on film.

Here he is showing you all how big he has gotten.
Here he is saying goo with gusto!
Now he's talking about how great it is being a Blodgett and how much he loves his mommy!
He's pondering what life would be like if he ever left his mommy.
He's completely bored with the conversation and ready for his third afternoon nap!
I hope you enjoyed this conversation with Donald. I better go get him because he's waking up from his nap and screaming like a girl! Love, Sarah


Hunters said...

Stop my beating heart! I just don't think that I could ever get tired of looking at that face. Love, Aunt Jessie

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Ditto on that! I love this boy! Could he be any cuter, I think NOT. What beautiful eyes! I can't wait to see him with mine! Love, Aunt Shari

Grandma said...

I'm thankful to feel like I have spent a little time getting to know my new Donald baby. He's a cutey, and I have to say looks very much like his Daddy. You are a very imaginative Blogger. I love the Blodgett family, Love Grandma, MOM Weir