Monday, August 11, 2008

Ya Man

From Jamaica...

Just wanted to tell everyone we are here and we are safe. The flights went smooth, Donald and I slept like big babies the whole time. We couldn't even stay awake for 20 min to fill out our customs cards so we had to be in the way back of the line when we got off the plane. Good thing is about Jamaican Customs is... they don't really even check you "Don' worry 'bout a 'ting, man"Anyway just wanted to check in once and let you all know we are having SO much fun!!! The water is BLUE and we are really getting married tomorrow. :) I'm so excited to be Mrs. Weir! And Donald is so excited to be Mr. Daly! That's how it works right?


Hunters said...

I'm so glad that you made it safely. Thanks for the great party in AZ. I miss AZ already. PLEASE, take some pictures while you're in Jamaica. I'm dying to know what it looks like and see pictures of you guys having fun. Love, Mrs. Scott Allen Hunter

The Blodgetts said...

Congratulations on your wedding today. I hope it's as wonderful as you imagined. Make each other happy forever! Love, Sarah