Friday, September 12, 2008

A Flood

This morning we woke up to a flood in the basement, I thought I would share some pictures so you could see it. A pipe broke on the sprinkler system in the backyard. The person who owns the company that is cleaning up the mess is one of Bill's mission companions, so that was something exciting to come out of this horrible mess. Dallin also hit his mouth on his sisters head and his tooth came all the way through his skin, we took him to the doctor and instead of doing stitches we opted for steri strips, so hopefully it will heal ok, what a day. Love Kt


Shari D. Kurtz said...

Oh my heavens! Poor Dallin! Poor whole Gough family! What a pain to have a flooded basement. I'm so sorry. I hope its taken care of in a timely matter. I'll be thinking of you.


The Blodgetts said...

Oh no, Katie! That sounds horrible. How much water was there. It looks like a lot from where they tore out the sheet rock. I'm glad you know the guy you're working with. That always makes me feel better. I'm so sorry about Dallin. Send us a picture of him too. Poor guy. I hope it heals ok. When Adrian got a power ranger through his lip they had to stitch it up and then they had to take out the stitches. It was horrible both times. He still has a lovely scar. Will you have to replace the carpet? Let us know how everything goes. Love, Sarah

Hunters said...

HOLY COW!! I'm so sorry for you guys. How's Dallin?! I love you guys. Love, JLH