We got home last night from going into Tooele to find our power out! So, there was no way to cook our Pizza feast. The Hogan's were having a family party down at the Farm and invited us to eat their dinner and stay warm- our generator broke. We came home at 9pm and froze until the power came on at 3:30pm. This morning we got up at 8:30am to open presents. It has been the best Christmas ever. Everyone is healthy and happy and playing nicely, for the most part:) We love you all. I even just made sweet rolls!
Awesome!! Thanks for the pictures. Stay warm. Our Christmas was also excellent! We love you!!
They really do look like they were having a Merry Christmas! I'm so glad it was a happy day.
So how cold did your house get? Our house got down to 55 degrees. Poor Maelynn's fingers. Glad you partied with the Hogan's. We had a fun Christmas party and Christmas was a fun one.
I am glad you were still able to have a fabulous Christmas it looks like a blast, I love the new pajamas they look extra warm!!
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