Friday, December 25, 2009

The Best Hunter Christmas Ever!!!

We got home last night from going into Tooele to find our power out! So, there was no way to cook our Pizza feast. The Hogan's were having a family party down at the Farm and invited us to eat their dinner and stay warm- our generator broke. We came home at 9pm and froze until the power came on at 3:30pm. This morning we got up at 8:30am to open presents. It has been the best Christmas ever. Everyone is healthy and happy and playing nicely, for the most part:) We love you all. I even just made sweet rolls!


Ane said...

Awesome!! Thanks for the pictures. Stay warm. Our Christmas was also excellent! We love you!!

The Blodgetts said...

They really do look like they were having a Merry Christmas! I'm so glad it was a happy day.

beardmommaof4 said...

So how cold did your house get? Our house got down to 55 degrees. Poor Maelynn's fingers. Glad you partied with the Hogan's. We had a fun Christmas party and Christmas was a fun one.

Katie said...

I am glad you were still able to have a fabulous Christmas it looks like a blast, I love the new pajamas they look extra warm!!