Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weir of the Week: Ashley Anne Gough

Here she is at 3 months old, she was excellent for her photo shoot this weekend. What to say about Ashley she is a wonderful baby I look at her every day and fall more deeply in love!!! She has been to the zoo three times and goes back and forth to take kids to school without a single complaint (most of the time). She spends her day being so cute it makes me want to cry she is such a precious baby girl. Alright now I need to go wake her up and kiss her all over!!!!

Here she is being used in a research project, they were measuring her brain waves as she watched different pictures. She was so good she didn't cry at all just sucked her hands extra hard.


Ane said...

She even looks cute with dots all over her head. I can't wait to hold her next week. I love Ashley.

Shari D. Kurtz said...

YES!!! Thank you for having this precious little cutie Katie and Bill (although Katie did most of the work). I love her so much. What a doll she is!
Love, Shari

The Blodgetts said...

She is so beautiful! I can't even tell you how much I love the picture of her getting her brainwaves measured. She is so beautiful and patient. I'm guessing it's just a hat they put on but it looks like they stuck each one on her head. How did they do it? I want to know all about Ashley's brain waves. I hope you guys are doing well. Love, Sarah