Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pictures of Amanda and Deya

Click here

to see pictures of Deya and Amanda...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weir of the Week: Ashley Anne Gough

Here she is at 3 months old, she was excellent for her photo shoot this weekend. What to say about Ashley she is a wonderful baby I look at her every day and fall more deeply in love!!! She has been to the zoo three times and goes back and forth to take kids to school without a single complaint (most of the time). She spends her day being so cute it makes me want to cry she is such a precious baby girl. Alright now I need to go wake her up and kiss her all over!!!!

Here she is being used in a research project, they were measuring her brain waves as she watched different pictures. She was so good she didn't cry at all just sucked her hands extra hard.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A few Thoughts I wanted To Share...

As the day of the reception gets closer, It gets a little harder to breath. Not because I'm nervous to get married, but because I'm nervous to throw a big party and have all eyes on me if I forget something.
I love Donald so much. We are best friends and that is my favorite thing about being together. I feel like we understand each other so well sometimes that I might be missing something. Are people supposed to get along this great? If we ever have a fight (because we never have had a fight) it will be very shocking!? I keep waiting... waiting... not hoping, but waiting... for that day when it happens like it's some tiger gonna pounce on us! But maybe we will never fight. That would be AWESOME! All I know is, I feel like I need him to be near me because that makes me happiest. We never stop loving each other even when we disagree. We laugh more than we are serious. We love more than we are apart. We are so happy to have found each other. And we tell each other every day.
I can't wait to see everyone. I hope every one will be able to help on Saturday morning set up and on Saturday night take down. It would mean a lot to us.

Leah Crawling

Monday, July 21, 2008

Weir of the Week: Monty Neil Kurtz

Weir of the week: Monty Neil Kurtz
The following are highlights from an interview with Monty Kurtz Weir of the week...
Monty claims to be uninteresting (but I know better). He said he works hard for his kids so that they can lead interesting lives. Monty's family is his identity and what he loves best about himself.
Monty grew up in Cottonwood, Arizona and lived a childhood of freedom and fun there. Cottonwood has beautiful weather year round which Monty enjoyed to the fullest. He spent the majority of his time outdoors hiking, fishing, hunting, and finding great swimming holes. Fun was easy to find and frequently had.
Fun in the present however is a little more work. He loves to hike with his kids but with a 17 pound baby on his back and three other kids to care for, its not as carefree. Monty says “its hard work to have fun but all the more rewarding.”
Monty served his mission in the Osorno, Chile mission where he enjoyed the people and scenery. He was also introduced to new and interesting food like cow tounge (which he likes) and blood sausage (which he hates). He would like to return to southern Chile for a visit someday with his lovely wife.
Some other things that Monty enjoys is playing tennis, riding his bike (which he does most days to and from work), and playing catch with Peter, Sarah, and Joseph. Some of Monty's favorite things include the color green, the season of summer, the music of Allison Krauss and Jonny Cash, the book by Victor Hugo Les Miserables, and the movie October Sky. He loves the symbolism in Hugo's work and the motivational message of October Sky.
Monty is a wonderful father and husband. He became part of our family ten years ago this July! We are blessed to know him.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

my first posting

I posted something on my very own blog. I just thought maybe I should include the link on our blog but I wasn't sure how to put it permanetly on there. Maybe since you're the author, Shannon, you can put my blog on our blog. The address is
Love, Sarah

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Entertainment

This reception is going to be so much fun. It's going to be a little different than most receptions I think. That's because I like things a little different and I'm not all about perfection when it comes to "tradition" but I do love to have FUN. And that's my main goal and focus for all my wedding planning. To put together a reception that will bring together my new families and have fun and feel LOVE.

If there's one thing I love and appreciate, it's music. I was so happy when Ane and Garth asked if they could sing a song! And just so that any of you know, if you would like to sing a song for us I would be delighted to have you do that! We will be fully equipped with Guitar, Amps, Microphones, and anything else you might need if you let me know ASAP. There are a few of the members of the bridal party who are singing and my brother in law as well. This all makes me very happy!


For Ana and Garth- Can you let me know the name(s) of the song(s) you're singing(we don't want any duplicates do we)? And any special equipment you'll need, like bag pipes or a laser rock show or something like that




Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Housing Arrangements

How does this sound everyone?

We have 2 houses and 6 bedrooms at our disposal. We have figured out the best arrangement for comfort and fun (we think). PLEASE let us know if you have any suggestions or need us to switch this up!

HOUSE #1(Donalds House):
Master Bedroom- Mom & Dad
Guest Room #1- Katie & Ashley
Guest Room #2- Sarah & Donald(the lil one)
The Living Room Floor- Honey & John & Donald

HOUSE #2(Big Vacation House)
Bedroom #1-Snow Family
Bedroom #2-Kurtz Family
Bedroom #3- Jessie & Amanda & Daya

Pending-Melinda & Molly... May be staying with the downings or at the Vacation house on the COMFY couches :) Depending On what they preffer. A woman has the right to choose :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Donald and Ashley

Donald and Ashley

Blessing Day

I'm creating my own blog but it's a work in progress. In the mean time I thought you'd like pictures of Donald David on his blessing day. He's such a happy sweet baby.
Love, Sarah

Monday, July 7, 2008

Interview of Atticus Monkey Weir (Snow) of the Week

Atticus was just climbing up the walls in the bathroom like we used to do when we were little. Oh the memories. There is one word that kind of encompasses Atticus, it is one of Jessie's favorite things, Monkey. He has a collection of monkey stuffed animals. He is always climbing on everything. Some of his favorites are Color:Blue, Food: Pizza, Animal: Monkey, Place to be: Culvers, Season: Winter, Show: PBS Kids, Movie: Wall E, Sport: Soccer, Treat: Cake, Favorite Toys: Legos, Favorite Character: Wall E , When he grows up he wants to be a racecar driver. One of his favorite memories of being with his family is a road trip to DC. Ice Cream is Vanilla, His favorite primary song is, I am a Child of God. His favorite person is himself. He loves his sleeping pets. He names all of them. Some of their names are: Vines, Honny, Shamus, Shasta, Joe Jr. Joe Kris, Joe and Grassy. He apparently is fond of the name Joe. I love how much energy Atticus has. He loves art and everything (piece of garbage) he finds turns into a work of art. Garth came home last week and once again Atticus was in his usual place at the kitchen table feverishly working on one of his master pieces. Garth remarked, " I don't know what I would do if I didn't see you in your usual spot when I come home." He is always working, always creating. He is a fantastic boy and are so happy he is part of our family.

Strong Scotty

Messy Cupcakes

Deya's Birthday

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weir (Snow) of the Week!: Atticus Weir Snow

Atticus is our Weir of the week! Congratulations to all of us for being related to such a fantastic guy! We look forward to the interview results but for now I want to post some pictures of his sweet face and tell him that we all love him like crazy!