Monday, March 31, 2008

Weir "Hunter" of the Week


My Seth Michael is magical. I've never seen anyone so full of love for life. He's a wonder to behold. I asked him what his favorite color is and he said, "black, and green, and red, and blue". His favorite food is pepperoni and cheese pizza. I asked him to tell me his favorite place and he said, "I like dancing at Bajio grill". That is our favorite Mexican restaurant in Tooele. Scott and I went there on Friday with Scotty and Seth (James and Ethan were in school). Seth danced around and outside the restaurant with no inhibitions. Scott and I were both in tears it was so funny. I wish that you could have been there. He says that he likes to play sword fighting and wants to be in the Army when he grows up. He loves to go play at someone elses house. I asked him to tell me his favorite memory and he said that he likes counting to 100 and he said, "I like counting 6+6". He so precious. Everything is funny. I took him to get his Kindergarten shots this last week. He got 5 shots. They told him to count to 10. He started counting and they started sticking him with needles. In a very Sethy way he said, "Oww. Mada-who-ha!" He didn't cry a single tear and the nurses thought that he was so funny and very brave. He loves to read his Dick and Jane book and is so good at sounding out words. I love to walk into his room and catch him reading his book. Life just wouldn't be life without my Sethy-boy. We are so blessed that he's ours.
Thank you Jessie, for the inside scoop on the life of Seth. We love him very much. I am so thankful that he is a part of my family.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Pippin, His Life and Times"

Pippin was an amazing experience and I'm sad you couldnt come and see it but here are some pictures and I have many more...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Anniverary gift

To celebrate our eight year anniversary, I told Bill all I wanted was to be able to go on Dallins field trip today, and my wish was granted and we had a blast. All the animals loved his wheel chair and wanted to try to eat it so we had lots of friends to pet and feed. Love Kt

Easter Pictures

Deya is Beautiful

An added bonus

Amanda "just getting feet wet"

Weir "Noonan" of the Week


Amanda was born on October 7 in Monterey California. Her favorite color is green. Her favorite animals are horses. Her favorite food right now is "east meets west spicy shrimps" from the gate house restaurant on Saba. Favorite restaurant is Applebees. Her favorite place is Saba for now. The places she would most like to visit are Utah, Doha, Arizona, Chicago and Nevada. Her favorite ice cream is Etna's Noix Coco Fraiche. Favorite band is Radiohead. Favorite season is Fall. Her favorite thing to do is watch Deya play and go for walks. If she could she would go for a walk in the rain everyday. Amanda loves to go shopping but at the same time hates it because she has a hard time making up her mind because she wants to make sure she is getting the best deal- a very handy trait for students. She is afraid of the ocean but she still likes to swim in it. We went for a hike down to the tide pools the other day and got to look at the sea urchins. Amanda was scaling the wall by the tide pools and a giant wave splashed up into the tide pool and almost carried her away and she was almost a goner (as she likes to put it, but for the record only her feet got wet). We are grateful to still have her in the family. No more tide pools for us!

Thanks, Ryan for the update on Amanda. We are so thankful she has you and Deya.

Amanda happens to be one of the most beautiful people I know, from the time she was a little tiny person. She is a gorgeous wife and mother. I miss you Amanda and I can't wait to see you this summer. Amanda is loving and helpful. We still consider her a part of our family because Gallagher still says that Amanda is his sister. Atticus just piped up, "She's my sister too!" Eleanor's baby doll is named, Deya. Amanda, We love you so much.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter


Thursday, March 20, 2008

This is how it goes when Honey sees something she wants...

We love her. Honey had a bad night last night. She probably got stung by a scorpion. But she's all better. And we love her.


Sorry to bring up bad news but, because of the copyright laws on Pippin I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to film it or we might have to pay more than 1/2 million as the consequence and my director knows people that have had to go through it...i hear its not fun BUT some good news is that we will all get a CD of pictures that will be taken and i can always sing you my songs this summer i love you all MELINDA TERE

"And the arch of his foot really was in a class by itself."(this is MY line woot woot!! oh just to let you know my character is obsessed with the arch of Pippin's foot:)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wanna know why we're so happy?!!!

My transfer is accepted! Written in stone. My last day in Boston is April 1st! But this is not just an elaborate April Fools joke. C'mon.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blodgett News

Hello all. I wish I had a cute accompanying picture, but I don't. I just wanted to let you all know that I've gotten two emails and a phone call from Parker saying that he is certain he wants to give the kids up for adoption. This is the greatest news in the world because visitation will be entirely up to us. He only wants to see the kids a few Saturday's a year. This means they won't miss church anymore and they won't have to stay overnight with him and I won't have to wonder how all of his girlfriends treat the kids, although they've all treated them better than he has. We'll be out child support so I think Parker thinks he's getting the better deal. I hope so much that it happens. I know it will take time and at any moment Parker could pull the rug out from under us, but I just wanted to let you know that in the past couple of weeks we've been discussing the possibility this is the most positive Parker has been that he's ok with Dan adopting the kids.
In other news, we have begun our Spring Break today. To celebrate St. Patricks Day we had green pancakes and green eggs this morning. The kids thought that was way fun and they're all decked out in green clothes. We get to celebrate with the Hunter's traditional corned beef and cabbage. Dan's been enjoying this tradition since Jessie and Scott we're married and this is my first time. Dan loves reminding me that he's been around my family way more than I have in the past 8 years. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all. Love, Sarah

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weir "Kurtz" of the Week

Peter was born on July 29, 1999 in Flagstaff Arizona, the first grandson to carry on the Kurtz name and heir to the throne. He was named Peter by the suggestion and inspirtation of Molly Weir (thank you Molly). Peter is a great many things and many things great. First of all, he is a loving and affectionate boy, always aiming to please and concerned with the feelings of others. He loves to ride his bike around the block and do back flips on the trampoline. Favorite subjects in school are math and science which is understandable being that he loves to ask questions, as I am sure you are all aware. He aspires to be a pianist and I quote "Well, I'm pretty good right now, so imagine the future! I could play Beethoven or Mozart or anything!" He would also like to be a professional baseball player. He is on the career path with piano lessons and little league. He is currently reading the Spiderwick Chronicles and loves Harry Potter. When asked where he wants to live when he grows up, his response was "In a house." His favorite names for future offspring are "Jack, John, Jill, and Timpopo". His favorite food is "everything my mom makes" but I know he loves Dominos. His favorite memory is seeing Leah in the hospital for the first time. He says that I (Mom) am his favorite person with a side note of "and everyone else in his family". (I AM giving the interview) He loves tigers and the color green...go figure:)

Thanks to Shari once again for the interview. Peter is a wonderful boy. I'm sure his (son or daughter) Timpopo will love Grandma Shari's cooking as well. Gallagher will never forget playing with his cousin Peter at Aunt Katie's house. We miss him so much and are so thankful he is a part of our family.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Joseph Adam Kurtz born 7 December 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jo jo was a man who thought he was loner but he knew it wouldn't last........ Just kidding. That is the wrong JOJO.

Joseph feels "excited, good, and happy" to have been chosen as the star of the week. Nicknames include: Joe, Jojo, Joey, Jophes, Jophalophes, Jophy, Jophalopho, Jophadeedopho... When Joseph grows up he would like to be a "Scientister". His favorite thing to do is help his Mom (or so he says). He loves spring because its not snowy or icy. His favorite song is "An Angle Came to Joseph Smith". He loves yogurt and salad with croutons. He loves to play ball of all kinds. His favorite place is the park. He loves to watch "Bunge Bod Square Pants." He looks forward to being 38; when asked why, he said so he can watch Lord of the Rings. If he could have a super power it would be to turn invisible. He loves playing games on and dora on He loves power rangers and super heroes of all kinds. He has recently learned to spell his name and sings it all day. I can arrange a private concert if you can dial our number.

Thanks Shari for all of that valuable information!! It is wonderful to get to know little Joe better. We love him dearly and are so thankful to have him as a nephew, grandson, cousin, brother, and son.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Story by Sarah Kurtz

Weir of the Week


I'll just list some favorites to make it easier: color-red, food-tacos, sport-soccer, animal-Judo, flower-buttercups, season-Spring, month-March, place he's lived-Mesa, holiday-Summer, name for a girl-Amber, name for a boy-John, place to go an a vacation-Thailand, bird-African Swallow, school subject- free period, treat-no bake cookies, clothes to wear-boxers, car-Mustang, smell-Judo, movie-Nacho Libre, song- The Spectrum Song, Favorite # 12
Hobbies: Eat, Sports, Babysitting, Sleeping, Playing with Judo

Goals for the future: Get out of High School, Get good grades, Have lots of dogs, go on a Mission, Move from Doha (Thanks for getting the info mom)
John, you are a wonderful brother. You have a whole bunch of children looking up to their Uncle John. Thanks for being such a great example to them. We love you very much!!!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Jamesers!

My James got punched in the face by this man at the Blue and Gold banquet for cub scouts on Thursday. James was teasing him and took his hat when the man was kneeling down trying to talk to Scotty. The man didn't like it and was trying to teach James a lesson. I did a police report. Jolene did one also because she heard him admit to hitting James because he took his hat. Anyways, the moral of the story is "Children have to learn their lessons, right...?" I'm still trying to recover. I just go over and over it in my mind all night. My poor little James. If I'm traumatized by it I'm sure that he's still so upset. This morning Scotty was telling me all about it. "Bad boy hat punch him eye" Love, JLH

Melinda Tere Weir's Future...

Dear Melinda:

We are delighted to inform you that you have been admitted to Brigham Young University to begin Summer 2008. Because of enrollment limitations, we are not able to accommodate your request to begin fall semester. Having you start in the summer is the only way we can reserve a place for you in the fall.

Warmest regards,
R. Kirk Strong
Director of Admission Services